In 2018 the CAS Newsletter was reintroduced and its success depends on articles and notices being submitted from Chapters as well as individuals.
Articles on the natural history and environment are welcome
Articles must be 1.5 spaced, should be between 590 and 2500 words, and submitted as an MS Word file. The editors reserve the right to edit the length.
An autobiographical note of 250 words of all authors and co-authors, as well as their full names, affiliations, and email addresses, must be included
The title and headings used within the article must be short and clearly defined
Figures should be submitted as separate graphic files (.jpg file with a dpi of at least 330) and be clearly labelled
References to other publications must be clearly cited using the APA reference style
Articles may be copy edited for clarity and style
To be considered, your article should be submitted to the Editor: Dr. Roshnie A Doon, Secretary, Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) Regional Executive, and the President of CAS Prof. Mark Wuddivira.
Prof. Mark Wuddivira:
Dr, Roshnie Doon: casexecutive2023@gmaiLcom or
Links to the Newsletters
Newsletter Vol 7 Issue #2 -latest September 2024