The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS)


The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) Regional Executive congratulates the appointment of the new Executive Committee (EXCO) of the Trinidad and Tobago (CAS-TT) Chapter, based on the Election held on 7th September 2024.

The new CAS-TT Chapter EXCO Team will serve a 2-year term until 31st August 2026. 

They are:

President - Dr. Albertha Joseph Alexander (Email:

Secretary - Dr. Cilla Pemberton (Email:

Treasurer - Dr. Lisa Benjamin (Email:

Public Relations Officer - Dr. Oral Daley (Email:;

Floor Member - Mrs. Surujdaye Jaggernath-Furlonge (Email:

The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) Regional Executive, is pleased to announce that we will be hosting another edition of the Graduate Student Seminar Series, on 27th September 2024 at 1:00 pm (Trinidad and Tobago Time).

There will be a presentation by Ms Shanice Martin from The UWI, Mona, Jamaica, who will be speaking on: "A DEEP DIVE INTO THERMOELECTRIC OCEAN THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION: FEASIBILITY OF IMPLEMENTATION IN JAMAICA."

Kindly see the attached Flyer for Programme details and the registration and zoom credentials.


It is with deep sorrow that the Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) announces the passing of our esteemed founding president, Professor Ramsey Saunders, on June 11, 2024. As the founding president of the CAS from 1988 to 1996, Professor Saunders played a pivotal role in shaping the organization and fostering a spirit of scientific inquiry and collaboration throughout the region. He was an active member and Fellow of CAS until his passing. The Caribbean Academy of Sciences extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Professor Ramsey Saunders. His passing is a monumental loss to the scientific community, but his legacy will continue to inspire and guide future generations. May his soul rest in peace. 


The CAS Regional Executive had postponed the next Guest and Graduate Student Webinar scheduled for Friday 21st June, since this was the date of the funeral for Professor Ramsay Saunders. The revised dates are now announced 

Our Guest Webinar Speaker, Ms. Yolande Hylton (UWI, Mona, Jamaica & Hylton Insights, Jamaica) will be speaking on: Sprinting to Greatness: Talent Management Lessons from Athletics, 2nd August at 3 PM T&T time. 

Kindly see the attached Flyer for Programme details, abstracts, and presenter biographies and the registration and zoom credentials.

Our Graduate Student Webinar Speakers are from Ms. Leneka Rhoden (UWI, Mona), who will be speaking on Leveraging Sargassum-Derived Essential Oils for BBNJ: Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Use of Ocean Resources and Ms. Katherine Agong (UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad) who will be speaking on: Assessing Informal First and Last Mile Transport in Trinidad's Transport Deficient Communities,  26th July at 2 PM T&T time.

Kindly see the attached Flyer for Programme details, abstracts, and presenter biographies and the registration and zoom credentials.


The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) hosted its first inaugural graduate student webinar for 2024, by Mr. Timothy Allen from the Institute of Sustainable Biotechnology (ISBiot), Inter-American University of Puerto Rico - Barranquitas Campus, Puerto Rico.

Date/Time: Friday 7th June 2024 at 2:00 pm (Trinidad and Tobago time).

Topic: The Extraction of Secondary Metabolites to Reverse and Cure Type 2 Diabetes. Please see the flyer for the Program, Abstract, and Biography.


The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) was represented at the Small Island Developing States conference #SIDS4 on the 27th May 2024 in St John's, Antigua and Barbuda by the President of CAS, Prof. Mark Wuddivira, who worked with the International Science Council conference liaison team, to prepare a declaration document that can be found at "Call to Empower Science for the Future of Large Ocean States"

An interview with Prof Wuddivira was posted by ABS - Antigua and Barbuda Broadcasting Services

He noted that “The Declaration from the ISC SIDS Liaison Committee speaks to the heart of what we strive for in Large Ocean States. Our resilience and ingenuity are vital as we face unique challenges. By investing in science and technology and fostering international collaboration, we can transform our vulnerabilities into strengths and lead all islands toward a more prosperous future. This declaration is a rallying cry for unity, innovation, and progress. We invite all scientists at SIDS4 and beyond to join us, endorse this call to action, and work together to build a sustainable and thriving future for all island nations.”  


The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS), hosted its inaugural guest webinar for 2024, by Prof. Raymond Jagessar on Friday 24th, May 2024.

Topic: United Nations-Caribbean Academy of Sciences- Caribbean SIDS Partnership, a new venture, in mitigating Environment degradation resulting from Climate Change 

The attached flyer gives some details for the program, abstract, and biography 


It is with profound sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Professor Emeritus Winston Mellowes, who left us 27 December  2023, following a period of illness.

Professor Mellowes will be fondly remembered for his unwavering commitment and service to the Caribbean Academy of Sciences throughout the decades leading up to his passing. Attached is a tribute dedicated to celebrating his enduring contributions.


The new CAS Executive Committee to serve for the upcoming term 2024-2026 was announced at the Biennial Conference on the 25th November 2023


After the successful inaugural edition of the Young Talents Caribbean Region L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program in 2023 (see Publicity Page),  we are happy to announce that the 2024 call for applications is has been extended until Sunday, 9th June 2024 at: Caribbean - 2024 Call for application | For Women in Science

In partnership, L’Oréal Caribe, UNESCO Office for the Caribbean, the Caribbean Academy of Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science – Caribbean Division  are seeking two young female scientific researchers currently in post doctorate,  doctorate or early career, for an opportunity to receive a $10,000 USD endowment each,  to conduct further research in their STEM field. This initiative gives Caribbean women in STEM the visibility and resource contributions needed to help them excel in their fields, advance their careers and establish themselves as leaders and role models for the next generation of girls and young women. 

The Caribbean Academy of Sciences is excited to announce a call for abstracts for its 23rd Biennial Conference and General Meeting 2023. With the theme, “The Sustainability and Development Initiatives of the Caribbean”, the Conference aims to revive, establish, and sustain knowledge production, sharing, and collaboration around sustainability and development in the region and beyond. The CAS23-2023 Conference will be held in face-to-face mode on 24th-25th November, 2023 at The UWI, T&T campus. It will capitalise on the enhanced ability to connect scientists, academia and researchers, experts, and practitioners. In addition to parallel paper presentation sessions, the event will feature round-table conversations and opportunities for networking. 

(Conference hashtag #CASConf23) 

While the conference will explore the associated issues in the Caribbean, examples of related topics/areas are provided but not limited to the list below:

• Agriculture for Development

• Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation

• Building Institutions for Sustainable Development

• Conflict, Security, and Crime Issues

• Challenges and opportunities brought to the fore by the pandemic

• Developing Sustainable Development Goal Indicators

• Development and Climate Change

• Energy Provision and Access

• Equality, Equity and Development

• Financing the Sustainable Development Goals

• Infrastructure and Industrialisation

• Pandemics, Health, and Sustainability

• Quality Assurance and Management

• Reshaping Social and Economic Growth

• Science, Technology and Engineering Education

• The Creative Sector and Its contribution to Facilitating Sustainable Development

• Water, Sanitation, and Health 

Important Dates:

Submission of Abstracts/Papers

• Begin Review and Revision Process: May - August 2023

• Notification/Acceptance of Abstracts: June - September 2023

• Submission of Draft Posters (soft copy): 18th September 2023

• Submission of Full/Revised Papers: 30th September 2023

• Submission of Revised *Posters (soft copy): 16th October 2023

• Final Decision/Notification: 31st October 2023

• Dates of the Conference 24th-25th November 2023

*Intended Contributor/s should provide their respective Posters in hard copy format for display at the conference.

Original abstracts and papers relevant to the Conference theme are invited. Extended abstracts (not more than 300 words) and full papers in English should be sent via e-mail <>. Each submission will be reviewed for technical merit

and content. Papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Conference Proceedings provided that at least one author registers for the conference. Maximum length for each accepted paper in the Proceedings is of 8 single-spaced pages. Strong papers would be recommended for a fast-track publication subject to review in Tropical Agriculture (ISSN 0041-3216), The West Indian Journal of Engineering (ISSN 0511-5728) and The Industrial Engineering and Management Journal (ISSN Pending). 

Registration Fees:

• CAS Members, participants and presenters: USD150 (or TTD1,020) per person

• Non-members, delegates, participants and presenters: USD200 (or TTD1,360) per person

• PG & UG Students (full time with proof): USD100 (or TTD680) per person

Early Bird Fee structure (with 10% Discount) for payments made by 2 October 2023 are:

• CAS Members, participants and presenters: USD135 (or TTD920) per person

• Non-members, delegates, participants and presenters: USD180 (or TTD1,220) per person

• PG & UG Students (full time with proof): USD90 (or TTD610) per person

For the latest information, visit the Conference website: Please help circulate the Conference flyer.

For Conference Enquiries and Registration:

Prof. Kit Fai Pun and/or Dr. Cilla Pemberton,

c/o Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 

The UWI, St Augustine Campus, T&T



"Science as a global public good" develops the ISC’s vision of science as a global public good, expands on the implications of that vision for how science is conducted and used, and on the roles that it plays in society.

"Science as a global public good" can be downloaded from

The Virtual 22nd Biennial Conference was hosted by the Guyana Chapter on 9-14 August 2021.

Further information can be obtained from their web site at  or

The full programme is available.

Keynote speakers Guyana 2021

Keynote speakers - Guyana 2021

Closing ceremony Guyana 2021

Closing ceremony stream - Guyana 2021

A statement from the Commonwealth academies on climate change, biodiversity and sustainable energy, 5th June 2020.

CAS was shocked to hear of the unexpected death of Professor Emeritus Tara Prasad Dasgupta, former President of CAS and President of CAS, Jamaica due to COVID-19.

As one Fellow commented: "Tara was a great man, brilliant, selfless and humble, and a dear friend."

With respect to the Coronavirus COVID-19

From IANAS:  A Statement by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

The critical need for international cooperation during Covid-19 pandemic

and an Open letter to the UN

The results of the recently completed by-election for the positions on the CAS Executive are:

Secretary Mrs. Petal Punalall Jetoo

Treasurer Professor Neela Badrie

Contributions of Women in Science

Two articles have been received for circulation from the IANAS focal point, Professor Neela Badrie.

The first is about Dr Jo-Anne Sewlal, the Secretary of CAS, who passed away suddenly on 20 January 2020 and the second gives an introduction to Dr Joy Spence (the World's first female Master Blender in the spirit's industry).

A message from the IANAS Secretariat in relation to the release of "Water Quality in the Americas. Risks and Opportunities" on World Water day on 22nd March 2019:

Our recognition and gratitude go out to the Focal Points of the Water Program, to the 143 scientists and water authors who contributed and worked really hard for this publication, to the Water Co-Chairs for their indefatigable work, and to the Academies for their constant support addressing this so important subject for our region. 

We would like also to mention that Brazil, Canada, The Caribbean, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia and probably some other,  will be presenting this publication on March 22nd during the World Water Day. In addition to the work made by Dr. Forde, CAS made two outstanding contributions, the first one was the chapter "Water Quality and Alternative Energy Nexus in the Americas" edited and coordinated by Dr. Kwame Emmanuel and Prof. Anthony Clayton (FCAS), and the second one was the contribution made by Prof. Neela Badrie (FCAS) for the chapter "Gender, Women and the Quality of Water"

The book is available on the IANAS website.

The 27-30 November 2018 CAS Conference has now ended.

On behalf of CASJ let me say that we hope that you found the Conference discussions interesting and thought-provoking and that you had sufficient time for interacting with other delegates. For those visiting Jamaica for the first time we hope you enjoyed your visit and that your flights home went smoothly and safely.

The announcement of the award of two new Fellows was made at the Banquet: Professor Reynold Stone and Professor Michael Taylor.

Pictures to follow soon.

The 22nd CAS Biennial Conference and General Meeting venue proposed for 2020 is Guyana, more details to come later.

Volume 1 Issue #4 of the CAS Newsletter now released, September 2018.

2018 TWAS Prizes to Young Scientists from the Caribbean Region.

1)- Nominees for the prize should be no older than forty years of age, hold at least a Master's degree, have a good record of research publications in internationally recognized journals, be nationals of a developing country, and have worked and lived in the Caribbean Region for a minimum of 2 years immediately prior to their nomination;

- A committee of eminent scientists in the country should be formed for selecting the prize winners, including if possible Members of TWAS. Names of committee members should be sent to TWAS for information;

- The awarding organizations should send a complete "profile" of the selected nominees to TWAS, providing details on their achievements, together with a curriculum vitae and the full list of publications;

- The prize should be presented to the awardee(s) by a high-ranking public figure (e.g. head of state/government, minister of science & technology) at the 21st CAS General Meeting and Conference to be held in Kingston, Jamaica in November 2018.

2) Please also note the following procedure:

A maximum amount of up to US$2,000 will be provided for these prizes. Kindly note that the prize cannot be split into more than 2 shared-awards, i.e. there will be maximum two winners sharing the prize.

3) Deadline for the duly completed "Profile of Prize candidate" for 2018 is now gone.

Professor Emeritus Wilfred Chan, a Foundation Fellow and Former President of CAS,  passed away on Wednesday 27th September 2017. Further details here.

A Celebration of Life was held at The Chapel, The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus on the 12th January 2018 at 2PM to commemorate Prof Cedric Hassall, FRS and Prof Wilfred Chan, CD his PhD student (they both passed away in September 2017).

At the 20th Biennial General Meeting of The Caribbean Academy of Sciences held on Friday 24th November 2016 in Guadeloupe, the following members were elected to the Executive for the period 2016 - 2018:-

President: Professor Emeritus Winston Mellowes

Secretary: Dr. Jo-Anne Sewlal

Treasurer: Dr. Mark Wuddivira

PRO: Dr. Patricia Sealy

Foreign Secretary: Dr. Trevor Alleyne, who subsequently resigned leaving the Post vacant,

Following an email ballot closing March 31st 2017, the Chairperson of the Election Committee advised that Professor Robert Lancashire would serve as CAS’ Foreign Secretary for the term ending 2018.

Scenes from the Opening and Closing sessions of the 2016 20th Biennial General Meeting held in Guadeloupe

The Programme for the CAS 2016 General Meeting

On Thursday, July 7, 2016 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) at the Physics Lecture Theatre C, UWI Mona Campus, the Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Jamaica (CASJ), The University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona Campus and the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative (SRMGI), hosted a workshop on SRM geoengineering, a highly controversial proposal for addressing climate change The event was chaired by Professor Tara Dasgupta, (Chair, CASJ) and emphasised participatory activities and group discussions. Speakers included Professor Michael Taylor (The University of West Indies, Mona), Andy Parker (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Germany) and Mr. Dwight Lewis (Senior Advisor on Energy Matters to Dr. The Hon. Andrew Wheatley, Minister of Science, Energy and Technology). The event was streamed through UWI, Mona TV (9AM-12noon Jamaica time, Further details are available on the CASJ web site.

On January 25, 2016, the CAS Guadeloupe Chapter (DFA) elected a new Executive for 2016 and beyond:-

Dr. Thomas FORISSIER - President

Professor Olivier GROS - Secretary

Dr. Yves MAZABRAUD - Treasurer

Professor Emeritus Trevor Jackson, a Fellow of CAS,  passed away on Monday 18th January 2016. Further details can be found at the UWI Seismic Research Centre page

Applications were invited for the CAS-TWAS Young Scientist Award for years 2015 and 2016. The Award was worth US$2,000.00. The following conditions applied:-

1. The Award shall be given to the individual who has done the most to advance the programmes of Scientific Research as judged by the quality of his/her publications and/or patents in one of the following fields: Chemistry, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Physics and Engineering.

2. The age of the applicant must not exceed 40 years during the year of the Award and must be a resident of the Caribbean region, Most of the research must also have been done in the Caribbean region. As individual can only receive one such Award.

3. The recipients of the Award will be expected to make a Scientific Presentation at the 20th meeting of The Academy to be held in the beautiful island of Guadeloupe in November 2016.

4. It is to be understood that by accepting this Award, the recipient is agreeing to present an update of his/her research at the subsequent CAS Biennial conference.

5. Nominations for the years 2015 and 2016 Awards ( made on the required forms) should have reached the office of the CAS Secretariat by 15th August 2015 and 30th June 2016 respectively. (Note the extension for this year)

Of interest to CAS members is the document "Working with Big Ideas of Science Education" from IAP which discusses the implication for the selection of content, pedagogy, student assessment and teacher education of putting the principles and big ideas into practice. In relation to pedagogy there is a reciprocal relationship between inquiry and working towards big ideas. Inquiry facilitates deep understanding, but will only be of benefit to young people if the ideas they develop lead them to make sense of the world around and appreciate the nature of science and its impact on our lives. Released 1 Mar 2015

 At the 19th Biennial General Meeting held in Tobago in November 2014,  

Dr. Sally Radford was elected a CAS Fellow (seen here receiving her certificate 

from Orville London, Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly).

At the 19th Biennial General Meeting held on Friday 21st November 2014 at the Magdalena Grand Beach Resort, the following members were elected for the period 2014 - 2016 :-

More details about the Tobago meeting (final announcement) is still available.

At this meeting it was announced that the 20th Biennial General Meeting and Conference 2016, would be held in Guadeloupe.

Call for Nominations-Awards for Excellence in Science and Technology 2014

Trinidad and Tobago has nurtured many sons and daughters who have left their mark in science and technology to the benefit of peoples in the Caribbean and around the world. For many, their contributions have gone unrecognized and unrecorded. Thus in 2006, NIHERST created, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTTE), a special award scheme to recognize and reward nationals for outstanding achievements in science and technology. The life stories and achievements of awardees are documented in the series entitled Trinidad and Tobago Icons in Science, Technology & Innovation, which provides positive role models for our youth to emulate, while also recording our scientific heritage for posterity. In 2009, the Caribbean Academy of Science (CAS) joined NIHERST in presenting these awards.

We have re-branded the awards to honour some of our science icons. It is our pleasure to invite you to submit nominations for:

•         The Fenrick De Four Award for Engineering

•         The Emmanuel Ciprian Amoroso Award for Medical Sciences

•         The Rudranath Capildeo Award for Applied Science & Technology

•         The Julian Kenny Award for Natural Sciences

•         The Anthony Williams Award for Technological Innovation in Arts & Culture

•         The Frank Rampersad Award for Junior Scientist

•         The Ranjit Kumar Award for Junior Engineer.

Please visit to download the nomination forms or e-mail, or for queries.

All nominations closed on Monday 30th June 2014

There is a call for papers for the X International Interdisciplinary Congress of Scientific Research, to be held in Santo Domingo, DR, in June 2015.

This years Gender Summit will bring together scientists, gender scholars, policy makers and other stakeholders in the science endeavour. It will focus on Horizon 2020 and on the strategic and crosscutting roles assigned to gender in H2020 work programme, where it is included in over 100 calls from societal issues to health, environment, transport, water, energy food security, and technology.  For the first time in the history of EU funding gender equality and gender dimension in research content have been included as a criterion of success. More information can be found at the Gender Summit web site.

On 23rd November 2013, NIHERST together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Caribbean Academy of Science (CAS), presented a number of awards for Excellence in Science and Technology. 

The awards were open to Nationals of Trinidad and Tobago (birth or citizenship) and CARICOM nationals and other persons who had been resident in T&T for 10 years and above.

The guidelines for nomination and nomination forms are attached with  further information from NIHERST relating to the awards.

The Gold and Silver Awardees with Dr. the Honorable Rupert Griffith. Minister of Science and Technology, T&T and

Prof Michael Clegg, Foreign Secretary of the US National Academy of Sciences (who gave the keynote address)

At right are the President and Foreign Secretary of CAS, Dr Trevor Alleyne and Eng. Hollis Charles

Applications were invited for the CAS-TWAS Young Scientist Award for 2014.  The Award is worth US$2000.00.  Please find eligibility and criteria guidelines below.

The following conditions apply:-

In observance of International Women's Day on  March 8th, 2013 see the report from Prof Neela Badrie.

For a copy of the IANAS book on Women Scientists in the Americas see

The deadline for new submissions to the Schlumberger Foundation Call for Applications for the 2013-2014 Faculty for the Future Fellowships passed in Nov 2012. Bookmark the application web site for future

Some of the participants at the CAS meeting in Barbados

The proceedings from the 18th General Assembly of The Caribbean Academy Sciences (CAS) (held in collaboration with The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill in Bridgetown, Barbados) over the period November 2 -4, 2012 is available.

Photos from the opening ceremony that featured Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott and Barbados’s top folk singer and cultural Ambassador, Dr Anthony Carter ("Gabby")

A report on the CAS sponsored three-day workshop for teachers aimed at amplifying the importance of science in the Caribbean society held at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) Guyana, in October 2012 is available.

IANAS Fellowship application form and guidelines are available on the CAS publicity page - Deadline now closed (15th August 2011)

A transmission electron microscopy meeting (mainly in French, partly in English) should have taken place in Guadeloupe between the 9th and 16th of May 2011. To be followed by a Caribbean summer school in electron microscopy  (all lectures, practical teaching in English) in Guadeloupe between the 1st and 13th of July 2011.

Contact the Guadeloupe Chapter of CAS for more details (Prof. J.L. Mansot, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Campus de Fouillole, Guadeloupe, jlmansot(AT)

A follow-up meeting of the InterAcademies Panel "Program on Digital Knowledge Resources and Infrastructure in Developing Countries" was held in Kingston, January 18th and 19th, 2011.

The agenda with associated links to PDF pages of the various Sessions is available.

From the 17th CAS General Meeting in Antigua and Barbuda.

The new Antigua and Barbuda Chapter was launched with over 12 new members and their new President Professor Jorge Moreno appointed.

Two new Fellows were appointed (Professor Winston Suite and Professor Robert Lancashire, shown above on either side of the new President, Eng. Hollis Charles)

The CAS/TWAS Young Scientist being awarded by
the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda the Honourable Baldwin Spencer.

Members of the outgoing executive.

The Scientific Programme for the CAS General Meeting for November 2010 in Antigua is now available.

Authors/Presenters should submit their articles to the CAS e-Journal for publication.

With respect to the effects of climate change in the Caribbean region, a CARICOM report has recently been published.

The Steering Committee of the InterAcademies Panel Program on Digital Knowledge Resources and Infrastructure in Developing Countries met in Montego Bay, Jamaica during 12-15th May, 2010 and a statement on "Building the CyberInfrastructure for 21st Century e-Science in Central America and the Caribbean" was prepared. A copy of the meeting agenda and the statement is available for comment and further circulation.

Some of the attendees at the Steering Committee of the InterAcademies Panel Program on Digital Knowledge Resources and Infrastructure in Developing Countries

The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) Jamaica Chapter, cordially invites you to attend its 21st General Meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2011 @ 2:30 pm, Chemistry Lecture Theatre-C5, The University of the West Indies, Mona.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marvadeen Singh-Wilmot (Lecturer - Department of Chemistry, UWI, Mona) - will make a presentation on the Young Scientists Ambassador Program (YSAP) and the Young Scientists Volunteer Program (YSVP).

The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) Jamaica Chapter, staged its 20th General Meeting on Friday, January 15, 2010 @ 2:30 pm, Chemistry Lecture Theatre-C5, The University of the West Indies, Mona. Keynote speaker Dr. Michael Taylor - CAS Young Scientist Awardee 2008 made a presentation on “Caribbean Climate - We know enough to at least start.”

CAS held a Teachers Workshop at the Office of the Ministry of Education in Georgetown, Guyana with Theme: "Learning Science and Mathematics as Inquiry through Design Activities" from the 7th October 2009. There were 35 course participants expected, as well as an additional 20 teachers from Guyana. The workshop was sponsored by OAS, IANAS and CDB.

A report on the IANAS Science Funding Landscape Workshop held in Guatemala City, Guatemala 26-28 July 2009 has been prepared by Jo-Anne Nina Sewlal, CAS Young Scientist Representative.

The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) Jamaica Chapter, staged its 19th General Meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 2:30 pm, Chemistry Lecture Theatre-C5, The University of the West Indies, Mona.

Keynote speaker was Professor Ronald Young - Pro Vice Chancellor, Graduate Studies, The University of the West Indies, Mona and he made a presentation on “Graduate Studies in the Caribbean: Where are we going?”

CAS organised a free Panel Discussion on "Swine Flu: The A/H1N1 virus" on Tuesday the 30th June at the Ampitheatre A, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Champs Fleur, Trinidad and Tobago.

More information on CAS involvement in the ICT Euro-AfriCa Project and the March Workshop is now available.

CAS organised a Caribbean Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CCICT) with the theme: Research, Applications and Policies. This was held at the UWI, Mona Campus on the 16th and 17th of March, 2009.  Further information and the schedule is available online. The Opening Ceremony was at 8:30 AM on Monday 16th March 2009.

Shown at the Opening Ceremony are: The Minister of State, Michael Stern, The President of CAS, Prof Tara Dasgupta, The Principal of UWI, Mona, Prof Gordon Shirley and the Dean of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences at UWI, Mona, Prof Ishenkumba Kahwa.

At right is a scene from the second day where over 100 were present to listen to a presentation on the impact of ICT on the environment.

On the 9th and 10th October 2008, just prior to the 16th General Meeting, CAS in association with TWAS hosted a workshop for Science Teachers. The programme details are now available.

Read the report on an IAP-IANAS meeting held in Brazil 4-9th August 2008.

IAP Bio-Security Questionnaire

The 16th General Meeting of the Jamaica Chapter was held on the April 17, 2008 at 2.30 p.m. in Chemistry Lecture Theatre, C5.

The keynote address titled: “Biodiversity and Extinction in the Brave New Ocean” was delivered by Professor Jeremy Jackson, William E. and Mary B. Ritter Professor of Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, California, U. S. A.

The 15th General Meeting of the Jamaica Chapter was held at 2:30 PM on the 18th December 2007 in Chemistry Lecture Theatre 5 at the Mona Campus of UWI.

Primary School Science Education Conference Ocho Rios, JAMAICA, November 27th-29th, 2007 with Cariscience, UNESCO and CARICOM.

The 14th General Meeting of the Jamaica Chapter was held at 2:30 PM on the 22nd November 2007 in Chemistry Lecture Theatre 5 at the Mona Campus of UWI.

A Panel discussion was hosted by CAS in collaboration with The University of the West Indies, Faculty of Medical Sciences and the National Oncology Centre on "What every woman or man needs to know about cancer in females" Tuesday 20th November, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex Mount Hope, Amphitheatre B.